Spending less just got easier. For many of starting out online, you start with a very tight budget… Or really, no budget at all. You start off by searching for everything you can get for free. You want to know what are the best free options for starting a blog, hunting for high quality free templates for your website, […]
Category: Website/ Blogging Tips
How To Make your Stock And Royalty Free Images Stand Out, Even If Everyone Else Is Using Them
I am excited to share with you six simple solutions that will help your visual content stand out, even if many others use the same image. Have you ever found a stock image that you thought complimented your content perfectly, only to see the same image across social media and other blogs? I have had this happen […]
5 Steps To Click-Worthy, Shareable & Optimized Blog Post
We create blogs for many different reasons. No matter what your individual reason may be, we all have the same goals in common. We want to get more traffic, convert readers into sales or subscribers, get backlinks and so on. This is possible for every single one of us and it all starts with your […]
3 Practical Tips On How To Become A Better Writer In No Time
I knew early on that I had to find out how to become a better writer. When I started writing blog post, I was far from a natural. Writing was something that I had to work hard at in order to create something I felt others would want to read. I spent plenty of time […]
25 Tips And Resources For Writing Click Worthy Headlines
Headlines are so important to the success of your content. Majority of the time, headlines are the only thing people have to go on when asking themselves if your link is worth their time. Is this what I’m looking for, Will this solve my problem, Will this help better my situation and so on. So, […]
Top 5 Emotions That Get More Out Of Your Blog Post
This special ingredient used with Content Marketing provides an amazing opportunity. It gives you the ability to connect to readers in a way that may have been potentially overlook. When you come across post like, “These Emotions Make Customers Do This”, “Avoid Using These Words Or Lose The Sell” or “25 Action Words And How […]
How You’re Annoying Your Social Media Connects and Not Know It
Social media is here to stay and whether we want to or not, social media is necessary for our online success. In this post we will go over some things that are known as pretty annoying to others on various networks. Unfortunately, many people conduct themselves in a way that may actually be doing more […]
25 Action Words and How They Help Customers Make the Decision YOU Want
I have been doing some research on the power of Action Words. We already know words are powerful whether it’s verbal or written. So it makes sense that the wording on your blog could be loosing or making you sales, right? You have spent plenty of time perfecting your blog, adding all the proper elements […]
How And Why To Build Relationships Online With Bloggers
Building relationships online with bloggers is an important part of the process when starting or maintaining your blog. There are plenty of advantages when it comes to building these relationships. I’ll explain below the Main Benefits of Building Relationships Online with Bloggers. This is part of the process that is actually neglected by many but hopefully by […]
What To Do After A New Blog Post
Lets go through the things that you should do after a new blog post. These will give your post a fighting chance on the noisy web. Hopefully you did your Keyword Research and have your post optimized for search engines. There is a lot of information that is being shared all across the web every second. Why […]